Trying the Flanking Strike Macro SOD in my Starcraft 2 games really helped me. I loved surprising my enemy with a small attack from the side while my main army hit from the front.

The Flanking Strike Macro SOD is a Terran strategy in Starcraft 2. It combines early attacks, smart resource management, and side attacks to surprise opponents. This helps disrupt their economy and keeps them under pressure.

Stay tuned with us to learn more about the Flanking Strike Macro SOD strategy in Starcraft 2. We’ll show you how to use early attacks, manage resources well, and surprise your enemies from the side. Keep following for simple tips to master this Terran strategy.

What Is Flanking Strike Macro SOD?

Source: clashofbusiness

Flanking Strike Macro SOD is a strategy used by Terran players in Starcraft 2. It combines aggressive attacks and strong resource management to outsmart opponents. Here’s what it means:

  • Flanking Strike: Attacking the enemy from the side or behind with units like Hellions or Marines.
  • Macro: Managing your resources, building units, and expanding your base.
  • SOD (Standard Operating Procedure): A set plan to follow during the game.

How Do I Start The Flanking Strike Macro SOD?

To start the Flanking Strike Macro SOD in Starcraft 2, follow these steps:

  • Early Aggression: Begin by building units like Hellions or Marines quickly. Use these units to harass your opponent and disrupt their resource gathering.
  • Scout the Enemy: Gather information about your opponent’s base and unit composition. This helps you plan your attacks and identify weak spots.
  • Expand Your Base: Build a second Command Center early on to increase your resource production. This allows you to produce more units and structures.
  • Maintain Pressure: Keep up the harassment with your initial units to keep the enemy on the defensive and force them to respond to your attacks.

By following these steps, you’ll set a strong foundation for the Flanking Strike Macro SOD strategy.

Why Is Expanding Important In This Strategy?

Expanding is important in the Flanking Strike Macro SOD strategy because it helps you gather more resources. Building a second Command Center early in the game lets you collect more minerals and gas, which are needed to produce more units and buildings. 

With more resources, you can build a bigger and stronger army, giving you a better chance to win battles. Expansion also allows you to keep up the pressure on your opponent by continuously producing units. 

By having more resources, you can stay ahead in the game and maintain control over the battlefield.

What Units Should I Use For The Flanking Strike?

  • Hellions: These units are fast and can quickly move around the map to hit the enemy from the side or rear.
  • Reapers: They are highly mobile and can easily jump up and down cliffs, making them great for surprise attacks.
  • Marines: While not as fast as Hellions or Reapers, they are versatile and can be effective in flanking when used in small groups.
  • Medivacs: These can transport units quickly and drop them behind enemy lines for a surprise attack.

These units are ideal for flanking action, allowing you to surprise and outflank your opponent effectively.

How Do I Effectively Execute The Flanking Strike Macro SOD?

Spurce: maccablog

To effectively execute the Flanking Strike Macro SOD, follow these steps:

  • Scouting: Before executing the macro, scout the enemy’s position and identify their weaknesses. Look for exposed flanks, weak points in their defense, and potential entry points.
  • Unit Selection: Choose the right units for the job. Fast and agile units like tanks, bots, or aircraft are ideal for flanking operations.
  • Positioning: Position your units in a way that allows them to attack the enemy from multiple angles. Use terrain to your advantage, hiding units behind hills or buildings to avoid detection.
  • Timing: Coordinate your attacks to strike at the same time. The “Wait” command synchronises your units’ movements and attacks.
  • Execution: Execute the macro by giving the attack command. Your units will strike the enemy from multiple angles, dealing significant damage and catching them off guard.

How Do I Transition From Early Aggression To Macro Play?

When you start a game, you might try to attack your opponent right away. But as the game goes on, it’s important to change your strategy and focus on building a strong base and army. This is called “macro play”. 

To do this, slow down your attacks and focus on collecting resources, building new structures, and making different types of units. This will help you make good decisions later in the game and increase your chances of winning. Just remember to be patient and don’t get too focused on fighting early on!

What Is The Main Goal Of This Strategy?

The main goal of the Flanking Strike Macro SOD strategy in Starcraft 2 is to disrupt your opponent’s economy and keep them under constant pressure.

By attacking from unexpected angles, you can damage their resource-gathering units and expansions, making it hard for them to build up their army. 

This strategy also aims to control the battlefield by outflanking the enemy with fast and agile units, forcing them to respond to your moves and creating opportunities for you to exploit weaknesses.

Overall, the strategy seeks to gain a tactical advantage and keep the opponent on the defensive, increasing your chances of winning.

Tips And Tricks For Enhancing Your Flanking Strike Macro SOD:

Source: quirkohub
  • Use terrain to your advantage: Terrain can be a powerful ally in SOD. Use hills, buildings, and other obstacles to hide your units and protect them from enemy fire.
  • Keep your units mobile: Don’t let your units stay in one place for too long. Keep them moving and use their speed to your advantage.
  • Combine with other tactics: Flanking Strike Macros can be even more effective when combined with other tactics like a frontal assault or a pincer movement.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How does the flanking attack work?

A flanking attack involves sending a small group of units to attack the enemy from the side or rear while your main army attacks from the front.

2. Why is continuous pressure important?

Continuous pressure keeps the opponent on the defensive, forcing them to react to your moves and making it harder for them to execute their own strategy.

3. What are the benefits of using this strategy in Terran vs. Terran matchups?

It leverages the mobility and versatility of Terran units to outmaneuver the opponent and gain a tactical advantage.

4. How can I practice the Flanking Strike Macro SOD effectively?

Practice by playing multiple games, focusing on timing your attacks, expanding your base, and learning to manage your resources efficiently.


The Flanking Strike Macro SOD is a smart strategy for Terran players in Starcraft 2. By attacking early, managing resources well, and surprising opponents from the sides, you can keep your enemy under pressure. 

This approach makes it hard for them to plan their moves and gives you a better chance of winning. With practice, you can become a strong player by using this strategy effectively. 

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